Sunday, August 12, 2018

Final Thoughts

Scotland and the Scots are thoroughly enjoyable. The history is rife with conflict, but they have emerged with a joie de vivre that is unmatched. I'm not entirely sure the conflict has ended, as there is a renewed Independence movement to break from England to remain part of the European Union. There still appears to be no love lost between the Scots and the English!
They countryside is beautiful. The geography is breathtaking, even in the foggy rainy weather we encountered in the north (and even south!). Ann was taken with the "Heeland Coos", also known as Highland Cows. They are cute with their long shaggy hair.
The other major theme running through the trip has been Outlander. Seeing the places and hills and cities we were reading about really made the trip come alive and the books come alive. Being in Inverness as they were passing through was really a interesting experience.

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