Friday, September 13, 2019

Day 4 Friday the 13th at Machu Picchu

Up early to catch the train to the town of Machu Picchu.  We were going across the Andes and travelling from the dry west to the tropical east.  You could see the vegetation changing, with more trees and more green all around.  We got to the town then had to walk to the bus station and wait in the line to join the crowds.  Up up and up the winding roads to the entrance.  Of course, just as we got there, the heavans let loose with a rain storm.  But push on we must, whether we couls see anything or not.  Just don't slip on the wet rocks!
Machu Picchu is divided into 2 sections, a "royal" side and an "agricultural" side.  We explored the royal side today; we'll do the other side in the morning.
The Incas worshipped the sun, and at the very top, there was a very accurate astonomical room that had a window pointing directly at the sun as it rises on the summer solstice.  They had architectural devices to ensure this was accurate, and shadows alligned perfectly.  The top had the typical perfect stone masonry of the Incas, along with the trapezoidal windows typical of the Incas.
As we continued to explore, the rain slowed and the fog lifted somewhat.  The valley, the mountains, and the fog were magical.
Dinner at our hotel with a choice of Cuyo,  I had to do it.  It came out almost like a flat sausage-like consistancy with aglaze on 1 side.  I took a few bites but didn't really like it.  Ann had baked halibut which she enjoyed better.

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