Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Vilnius Day 2

So we finally got here. One couple had their luggage remain back in Chicago en route from San Francisco, but otherwise it was an uneventful transfer for the rest of us. Silvia met us at the airport and hustled us onto the bus. We checked in and took a walk before our meeting. This town is quaint, with an old-world charm reminiscent of Prague. No building in the old section of town where we are is more than 5 stories, except the churches(of which there seem to be many!). The city dates to the 12th century, but we will get more history tomorrow in our city tour.
Our room looks out onto a central square and a church which I have previously uploaded(I think). Small but comfy.
The group seems amiable. We look to be the babies, as almost everyone is already retired. I guess this is what we have to look forward to. We had dinner with Art and Laurie, a dentist and his wife, previously from Fairfax, but now in Florida. More walking after dinner to try to get some good pictures, but the light had faded. Tomorrow is predicted for rain, so I'm not so sure about the quality of the pix. Without the little laptop, I'll have some trouble transferring pictures from the camera to the web. Maybe there will be an Apple store (?) to buy an adapter for the data card to the iPod, as this seems to be my only reliable input device. We'll see.... Jut getting this text in is a bit of a chore, typing in Notes. I think I can email it to the blogger, if I get a wifi connection back.
Obviously, it worked...  Now I'm trying to get the order right. Not easy.

Stephen J. Rockower, MD
Sent from my iPad

1 comment:

Harry Rockower said...

Where's the flowery, ethereal language I expect from a Rockower blog??? Oh wait... Looking forward to reading more!